Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund & Spotlight Initiative Grant support-call for proposal

Reference: 2019 WPHF and Spotlight Call for Proposals
Beneficiary countries: Uganda
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 23-Jul-2019
Deadline on: 22-Aug-2019 00:00 (GMT 7.00)


Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund & Spotlight Initiative

Composed of representatives from donors, United Nations entities, and civil society organizations, the WPHF is a global pooled funding mechanism which aims to re-energize action and stimulate a significant increase in financing for women’s participation, leadership, and empowerment in peace and security processes and humanitarian response. The WPHF is a flexible and rapid financing mechanism. It supports quality interventions designed to enhance the capacity of local women to prevent conflict, respond to crises and emergencies, and seize key peacebuilding opportunities.

Since its launch in 2016, WPHF has been supporting over 55 civil society organizations and is present in 7 countries or group of countries. WPHF has granted 10 million USD in total, with another 7 million USD allocated for calls that are currently open or are about to open.

The Spotlight Initiative is a global partnership between the EU and the United Nations which deploys targeted, large-scale investments in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific and the Caribbean, aimed at eliminating violence against women and girls, which is seen as a major obstacle to the fulfilment of women’s and girls’ human rights and to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The multi-year initiative, announced in May 2017 with an initial investment of EUR 500 million from the EU.

Against this background, the WPHF in partnership with the EU Spotlight, is pleased to announce the launch of a Call for Proposals from women-led, women’s rights organizations representing and working on behalf of groups facing discrimination. The proposal submitted must be aligned simultaneously to the two following Outcome areas:

  1. Outcome Area 6 of the Spotlight Initiative’s Theory of Change and associated Outputs and Outcome and Output indicators:

Outcome 6: Women's rights groups, autonomous social movements and relevant civil society organisations, including those representing youth and groups facing intersecting forms of discrimination/marginalization, more effectively influence and advance progress on GEWE and EVAWG, including SGBV/HP


Outcome Area 5 of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund’s Theory of Change: Women and girls' safety, security and human rights are enhanced.

The CFP will be open until 22nd August 2019 23:59 hrs (Ugandan Time). Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. All proposal MUST be submitted through email to: Claire.hawkins@unwomen.org and julia.doublait@unwomen.org

Subject line : 2019 WPHF and Spotlight Call for Proposals