re advertisement LRPS-2023-9181628 Request for proposal

Reference: 2023-9181628
Beneficiary countries: Ukraine
Published on: 05-May-2023
Deadline on: 26-May-2023 11:00 (GMT 3.00)

UNICEF has now issued a Request for Proposals in order to select a supplier for the provision of Service Provider for Delivering Third-Party Technical Facilitator (TPTF) Services on behalf of UNICEF. UNICEF Ukraine is looking for a company to support UNICEF’s response in Ukraine by recruiting and administering staff to provide technical assistance and advisory work to the local authorities in areas not easily accessible by UNICEF staff including areas that require approvals. The service provider of the Third-Party Technical Facilitators (TPTFs) contract will be responsible for the recruitment and administrative management of TPTFs working across a range of technical areas. UNICEF will be responsible for providing day-to-day supervision, tasking and technical guidance to the TPTFs. Their daily work will be supervised through the four UNICEF Field Offices and Kyiv central office (for field work within their area of responsibility). According to their Terms of Reference, the TPTFs will provide technical assistance, as well as situation, programme and post-distribution monitoring. It is expected that TPTFs will be recruited locally, where possible, to ensure they have a thorough knowledge of the area in which they will operate. Pre-bid conference will be held online on May 11, 2023 [1:00 PM, Kyiv time]. Interested bidders can join by the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTIwM2EzNTctMDQ5Mi00OGE3LWEwNWUtYWU1ZmM5MGNlMDcx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2277410195-14e1-4fb8-904b-ab1892023667%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b4318586-92cf-42bc-80bb-a4bd3c016309%22%7d This tender will be run through the UNICEF e-submissions system. By clicking on the blue ‘Express Interest’ button in the UNGM tender notice, the full UNICEF e-submission system instructions to bidders document (including instructions on how to access the tender documents and submit an Offer) will be automatically emailed to the ‘contact persons’ included in your UNGM registration. Alternatively, the full UNICEF e-submission system instructions to bidders document is publicly available on the UNICEF supply internet pages here: https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_procurement_policies.html . In the tender management site, if you navigate to the documents tab and opt in to confirm your intention to submit a Bid – you will then see the mandatory placeholders for documents that must be attached prior to submitting your Offer (you will also see if there are any mandatory questionnaires to complete). As such, you are recommended to `opt in` well before the submission deadline so you are clear exactly what documents are required to be uploaded prior to completing your submission. Please note that in order to access the tender documentation through UNICEF’s e-submissions system, vendors must: (i) be registered with UNICEF in UNGM as a company/NGO; (ii) have successfully completed all mandatory information currently required by UNGM when registering. Please ensure that any files submitted as part of your Bid are not corrupt or damaged in any way. Please exercise particular caution when using compressed files. Any corrupt or damaged files may lead to your Bid being invalidated. All vendors are strongly recommended to regularly log in to the UNICEF e-submissions system to check for any deadline extensions, new clarifications, new correspondence or updated tender documents relating to this tender.