UN Secretariat
Provision of Yamaha and Caterpillar Boats, Engines and Spareparts Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNOV19200
Beneficiary countries: Yemen
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 06-Dec-2021
Deadline on: 24-Dec-2021 00:00 (GMT 0.00)

The United Nations office at Vienna (UNOV), on behalf of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), hereby invites qualified vendor to submit Expression of Interest for the Provision of Yamaha and Caterpillar Boats, Engines and Spareparts with the expected dleivery to Yemen. UNODC intends to launch a tender with separate lots for Yamaha and Caterpillar with a potential split of award. The purpose of the tender is to establish Long Term Agreements (LTAs) with qualified vendors for a long period. Detailed Specification will be provided in the tender document to those vendors who submit the Expressionf of Interest in response to this request.

Dmitri Lee