UN Secretariat
Provision of Laundry, Cleaning and Janitorial Services at UNAMI UNFSB located at Baghdad Interna ... Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNAMI18887
Beneficiary countries: Iraq
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 13-Sep-2021
Deadline on: 26-Sep-2021 00:00 0.00

1.0 The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) intends to solicit proposals for the Provision of Laundry, Cleaning and Janitorial Services at UNAMI UNFSB located at Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Baghdad, Iraq 2.0 The solicitation will be based on detailed Statement of Works (SoW), Bill of Quantities (BoQ), Technical Specifications, UN General Conditions of Contracts and other related documents which will be provided by UNAMI to all companies who respond to this EOI and qualify for the tender. 3.0 For this purpose, UNAMI will undertake a competitive bidding exercise shortly, accordingly would issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to those companies who would express their interest and provide initial relevant information as to their ability to fulfill UNAMI's requirement. 4.0 In addition, the interested companies are requested to complete their registration at Level-1 on the United Nations Global Marketplace (www.ungm.org). 5.0 Please note the following: a) This EOI is not an invitation for submission of a bid/proposal. b) UNAMI reserves the right in selecting the invitees for the competitive bidding based on substantial and proven records of performance in the subject field of activities and mere expressing an interest would not automatically warrant for tender document. c) UNAMI reserves the right to reject EOIs received after the above deadline.

Chief Procurement Officer