RFP for hiring a Firm/ Organization for conducting Capacity assessment study of 64 TTCs and 6 IMTs to address the demand of 4th industrial revolution Request for proposal

Reference: RFP-ILO-SKILLS-2021-007
Beneficiary countries: Bangladesh
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 11-Aug-2021
Deadline on: 08-Sep-2021 16:30 (GMT 6.00)


If any potential firm has any query about the TOR/RFP document, that has to be submitted to the ILO through email within 22 August 2021; Please mention “Queries on RFP-ILO-SKILLS-2020-007” in the subject of the email while sending any written query to ILO regarding this RFP.

Jatan Barua -
First name: Jatan
Surname: Barua