Ref.2021-025 - Financial Mechanism Strategy Review – International Consultant Call for Individual Consultants

Reference: Ref.2021-025
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 15-Mar-2021
Deadline on: 29-Mar-2021 16:00 (GMT 6.00)


UNDP Projects #00101058 “De-risking Renewable Energy” / #00091328 “Urban low carbon development” are looking for:

Financial Mechanism Strategy Review – International Consultant (Ref.2021-025)

For detailed information please refer to the attached Procurement Notice and Terms of Reference.

The following documents in PDF to be attached to the Offer (maximum size 19Mb per one e-mail transmission) and should be sent to procurement.kz@undp.org with indication of Ref.2021-025 in the e-mail subject not later 4 PM (Nur-Sultan time, GMT+6) of 29 March 2021:

  • Duly accomplished Offeror’s Letter to UNDP confirming interest and availability for the Individual contractor (Annex 4) and Breakdown of Costs Supporting the Final All-Inclusive Price (Annex 5) using provided UNDP template; the documents should be provided separately from other required documents below and must be password protected!
  • Detailed CV, where previous work experience in similar projects should be included, as well as contact details (email and phone number) of the Offeror;
  • Other documents certifying the work experience, expertise, education, and skills (qualification improvement certificates\diplomas, awards, etc.);

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

Please make sure you have provided all requested materials. Incomplete applications will be excluded from further consideration. Late Proposals will not be considered.

For any questions, please contact Procurement specialist Zulfiya Suleimenova by e-mail zulfiya.suleimenova@undp.org