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    General Information
    Nordic UN Procurement Seminar 2023
    Business Finland
    Danish Trade Council - New York
    Business Sweden
    Innovation Norway
    Confederation of Danish Industry
    Business Iceland
    The Nordic UN Procurement Seminar 2023 is hosted by the Nordic Consortium comprising of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland and the Confederation of Danish Industry, Innovation Norway, Business Sweden, Business Iceland and Business Finland, in partnership with the Nordic UN Global Compact, and Danish Export Association. The seminar, hosted at the UN City in Copenhagen, will be the largest UN procurement event in the Nordic region, enabling Nordic companies to meet with UN representatives from several agencies, present their solutions, and attend workshops on needs and challenges in the UN procurement system. The key objective of the seminar is to ensure Nordic countries continues to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to the UN, improve the understanding of needs and challenges of the UN, and improve collaboration across public, private and international sectors. The seminar will include series of workshops, replacing 1:1 meetings, to enable companies, UN representatives, and other stakeholders to share knowledge, experiences, and present solutions, procurement needs and challenges through facilitated dialogue. The workshops will, among other subjects, be focused on energy, waste and water management, and life science. At the Nordic UN Procurement Seminar 2023, one-to-one meetings has been substituted with companies and UN representatives taking part in facilitated workshops on a broad range of subjects to ensure organic dialogue and networking for all parties. Kindly check the website for additional information