"Approach for selecting, designing, and measuring the impacts of GEF small-grants projects in energy access." Grant support-call for proposal

Reference: CFP/SGP/CC/01/2018
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Published on: 27-Aug-2018
Deadline on: 17-Sep-2018 23:59 (GMT 2.00)


Objectives for the Call for Proposals

SGP energy solutions use integrated approach going beyond energy sector aiming at increasing climate resilience, reducing poverty, enhancing gender equality and achieving the sustainable development goals consistent with GEF and UNDP focus on inclusive sustainable development.

To improve impacts of existing and future projects on renewable energy access, SGP is seeking to systematize lessons learned in the last four years of implementation of the program sixth operational phase (OP6) and develop a solid research and practice informed framework for design and implementation of energy access projects.

With the proposed framework SGP is aiming to identify key factors to be considered as part of project design, which would increase the probability of project success defined as long-term project viability and sustainability, wider adoption (where applicable), and (increased) delivery of on-ground development impacts. The framework in the form of practical guidance/recommendations could then be mainstreamed in to the program, used as part of selection criteria, and potentially adapted for use in other sectors.

To this end, SGP is calling for proposals to develop a new “Approach for selecting, designing, and measuring the impacts of GEF small-grants projects in energy access”. Grant funding available for this activity is up to a maximum of US $25,000.

The Specific Objectives:

1.        Review of the baselines, impacts and results of representative projects implemented in SGP sixth Operational Phase (OP6) to establish program context and existing practices.
2.        Development of relevant framework and set of recommendations
3.        Identify next steps for piloting and mainstreaming of the framework