RFQ (Request for quotation) Handcraft Materials Request for quotation

Reference: 3117002085
Beneficiary countries: Lebanon
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 18-Oct-2017
Deadline on: 26-Oct-2017 12:00 (GMT 3.00)


* ONLY local suppliers are invited to submit their offer.

*Submitted Offer should be signed and stamped.

*Important Note:

* Offer (Request for Quotation- RFQ) to be sent Only To

 E-mail: lfo-pld-rfq@unrwa.org  (Please don’t cc any other person)

Or by Hand to Tender Box at PLD Office.


*Any offer sent to other email will be rejected and UNRWA shall not be responsible for return of any e-mail for any reason, the maximum size of the e-mail shall not exceed 2 MB, and UNRWA shall not be responsible for the confidentiality of any electronic submission sent to another address in addition to dedicated email address in the solicitation documents.