Experts to assess proposals solicited in response to Unitaid’s Call for Proposals: Establish viable business models for access to monoclonal antibodies in low- and middle-income countries. Request for proposal

Reference: RFP 2024.02
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 26-Jan-2024
Deadline on: 23-Feb-2024 17:00 (GMT 1.00)


Seeking to hire contractor(s) to assess proposals solicited in response to Unitaid’s Call for Proposals; Establish viable business models for access to monoclonal antibodies in low- and middle-income countries. Consultancy firms and Individual experts are invited to submit a proposal for the services in response to this Request for Proposals (RFP). 

All queries about the RFP should be addressed in writing to Unitaid-proc@who.int. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to receiving your proposal

Scope of work

The technical assessment will consist of a review of multiple proposals.

The Contractor (reviewer) will be required to participate in an initial meeting with the Unitaid Secretariat to guide the assessment (via teleconference).

For each assessed proposal, a template (to be provided by Unitaid) should be completed with consideration of the following:

General/overall technical perspective on the proposal;

Brief assessment of the proposal against criteria/questions provided by Unitaid;

Any other information, comments or suggestions that the reviewer considers pertinent.

The Contractor may be asked to rank proposals they have reviewed in order of priority/recommendation, with a brief rationale for their proposed ranking.

Proposal assessment reports should be submitted in writing using the provided templates, although the Contractor can add any additional supplemental information or documents that are relevant and support their assessment. After submission, the Contractor may be requested to participate in a follow-up meeting or call to clarify any questions from Unitaid regarding their assessment.

Qualification and Skills:

The proposed reviewer should meet the following requirements:

A minimum of five years of demonstrated experience working in global health, preferably in innovation, in the field of infectious diseases that disproportionately impact LMICs.

Demonstrated technical expertise in manufacturing of biologic products, including potential opportunities to lower costs and simplify products through optimized processes.

Relevant advanced degree(s) in public health, business, engineering, social sciences, or related disciplines.

Significant experience evaluating successful proposals in response to open Calls and Tenders in the global health space.

Desirable experience  

Working knowledge of Unitaid and/or the World Health Organization;   

Experience with civil society and communities related to the introduction of health products in LMICs. 

Bidders shall provide:

Executive Summary – summarizing how the bidder could support Unitaid in achieving its objectives under this RFP and detailing background and experience in relation to the Terms of Reference requirements;

An up-to-date CV, including a list of relevant experience and assessment of a similar nature satisfactorily performed by the proposed reviewer(s), with clear and detailed elaborations on the relevant experience in relation to each of the experience requirements indicated in TOR;

Written confirmation on the availability and commitment to complete the work during the timelines indicated in the TOR;

Duly completed annexes 2, 3 and 5;

Minimum three reference contacts for past successful relevant experience; and

Financial Proposal (Annex 6).


Tender Closing Date:

No later than 23-Feb-2024 17:00  hours  Geneva, Switzerland time 


Email for submissions of all queries: unitaid-proc@who.int

RFP  2024.02 – Expert Reviewer for Monoclonal Antibodies proposals

(use Bid reference in subject line )