Supply and Delivery of Emergency Situation Training Kits to OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe Invitation to bid

Reference: ITB/TAJ/010/2023
Beneficiary countries: Tajikistan
Published on: 09-Nov-2023
Deadline on: 14-Dec-2023 15:00 (GMT 5.00)


The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe is seeking offers from eligible and qualified companies for

“Supply and Delivery of Emergency Situation Training Kits to OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe” 

Tenders OSCE Tajikistan - Tenders-TJ@osce.org
First name: Tenders
Surname: OSCE Tajikistan
Zarnigor Mukhtashova - Zarnigor.Mukhtashova@osce.org
First name: Zarnigor
Surname: Mukhtashova