For the Development, implementation, and maintenance of a “Consent Building Block” Request for proposal

Reference: RFP-S-BDT-2023-002
Beneficiary countries: Switzerland
Published on: 02-Feb-2023
Deadline on: 14-Mar-2023 15:00 (GMT 1.00)

Dear Madam/Sir, The International Telecommunication Union (‘’ITU’’) is pleased to invite your company to submit a Proposal for the Development, implementation, and maintenance of a “Consent Building Block”, and as further described in the Terms of Reference in Annex V. To enable you to prepare and submit a technical and financial proposal (“Proposal”), please find enclosed the following Annexes: - Annex I: Instructions to Bidders - Annex I-A: Acknowledgement of receipt - Annex II-A: Certificates to be submitted by the Bidder - Annex II-B: Declaration Form to be signed by the Bidder - Annex II-C: Bidder’s Information Form - Annex II-D: Recent References - Annex II-E: Technical Proposal - Annex II-F: Model CVs template - Annex II-G Comments on ITU General Conditions - Annex III: Financial Proposal - Annex IV: ITU General Conditions of Contract - Annex V: Terms of Reference - Annex V-A: Consent Building Block Specifications Please note that the deadline for your Proposal to be received by the ITU is no later than 14 March 2023 at 15:00 Geneva Time. Late Proposals shall be rejected. You may submit a Proposal to the ITU provided that your organization is qualified, able and willing to deliver the services specified in this RFP. Participation in this RFP indicates acceptance of the ITU General Conditions of Contracts provided in Annex IV. Any proposed modifications and/or reservations to this annex must be stated in your proposal and will be subject to further review before a contract can be concluded with you. You are kindly requested to acknowledge receipt of this RFP and to indicate whether or not you intend to submit a Proposal by returning the form in Annex I-A. We look forward to receiving your Proposal. Yours sincerely, PROC ITU