_ Maintenance of Integrated Access Control System and CCTV Camera.
Dear Vendor,
IOM is pleased to invite your company to submit a best offer quotation for the attached Request for Quotation: Request for Quotation NG30-22-0912_ Maintenance of Integrated Access Control System and CCTV Camera.
Kindly submit your quotation signed and stamped to iommaiduguribids@iom.int on or before 16:00 Hours, 30th October 2022. Please mention the RFQ number and title on your email subject while responding.
Vendors are advised to study the instructions on the RFQ and adhere strictly to them as non-compliant quotations shall not be attended to. All quotations must be submitted before the above stated deadline.
Please refer to the Terms of Reference (TOR) for more information.
Kindly send any questions or inquiries as a reply to this email.
Best Regards,
IOM Maiduguri Tender
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