Deadline extended until 15.03.2022. -LITB#9173298 for procurement of solar Submersible pumps on Long Term Agreements. Open only for the local Sudanese registered companies Invitation to bid

Reference: LITB#9173298
Beneficiary countries: Sudan
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 22-Feb-2022
Deadline on: 15-Mar-2022 14:00 (GMT 1.00)


UNICEF Sudan Country Office wishes to invite you to submit your offers for procurement of different type of solar pumps on long term agreement for duration of 36 months extendable for 12 months subject to the supplier performance during the contracted durations and the programmatic needs.


You are kindly requested to acknowledge receipt of this tender, the LITB#9173298 to confirm your willingness to participate in this bidding process by sending email message to aelsheikh@unicef.org, also note that the bid closing date is 08.03.2022, at 14:00hrs.


Bidders are requested to submit any questions in respect of this solicitation document by email to Ali A. Alsheikh at aelsheikh@unicef.org.

The deadline for receipt of any question is 01.03.2022.


Bid submission:


Bids can be submitted in either ways:


  • In a sealed envelope, and Bidders are expected to deliver their financial offers and sample catalogues for their products before the bid closing date and time mentioned earlier to UNICEF bid box at UNICEF Sudan country office, at Omak Street. Manshiya/ Khartoum.


Please ensure to write the following on the envelope outer side.


  • UNICEF Sudan Khartoum
  • Supply and Logistic Unit
  • LITB#9173298


And for those who are willing to submit their offer by email, please adhere to do it as specified in point B.


B- Offers also can be submitted in soft copies through UNICEF secure e-mail specified below:


(sudansupplybids@unicef.org) and The reference LITB#9173298 must be mentioned in your email as a subject title.


Currency of the tender - Offers are accepted in USD. Please note that for successful local bidder quoted in USD, UNICEF will transfer payment of the respective Contracts/Purchase Orders to the contractor’s USD account in Sudan, and UNICEF will not be responsible for any transaction between the bank and the supplier thereafter”, please see attached UNICEF Payment instruction for Local Vendors


All corporate entities should be registered on the United Nations Global Marketplace website ( https://www.ungm.org/Account/Registration) before engaging in any activity with UNICEF. In case your firm is not registered yet on the UNGM site, you are advised to register and provide the UNGM number within your bid document, guidelines on how you can register as supplier on UNGM is attached for your easy reference.

NB. Also please note that before applying you may need to familiarize yourself with the PSEA advocacy materials for UNICEF Bidders & Suppliers as per attached document “PSEA Advocacy materials for UNICEF Bidders & Suppliers”



Thanks and regards

Ali A. Alsheikh

Supply Associate, Operations Section, UNICEF Sudan Country Office

Master in humanitarian operation and supply chain management-USI University-Swiss

Tel: +249 156 553 670 Ext.429; Mobile: +249 912154698 & 912581323

Email: aelsheikh@unicef.org


United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Gerief West [Manshiya], Block#3 Hara 1/D, O'mak Street-East Khartoum,

P.O.B 1358, Khartoum, Sudan, 1111

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