RFP-2021-11 Supporting the effective and meaningful participation of civil society in the UNGA 2021 High Level Meeting on AIDS (HLM) Request for proposal

Reference: RFP-2021-11 Supporting the effective and meaningful participation of civil society in the UNGA 2021 High Level Meeting on AIDS (HLM)
Beneficiary countries: United States of America
Published on: 24-Feb-2021
Deadline on: 01-Mar-2021 20:52 (GMT 1.00)


The provider shall be a civil society or community led organization operating in the fields of global health, HIV, international development and human rights, with proven expertise in regional or global HIV work, particularly with key populations, and in advocacy with governments and UN agencies.
Expected Outcomes
The work of the selected organization in partnership with relevant stakeholders will contribute to the achievement of the following expected collective outcomes:
1) The multistakeholder task force is formed with broad representation and is fully operational in time to inform and advise the preparation of the interactive multistakeholder hearing.
2) MSTF functions and duties are effectively and successfully discharged, to support effective and meaningful contribution and participation of civil society and communities in the preparations of and during the HLM.
2) The interactive multistakeholder hearing provides a fruitful space where civil society and communities can interact with Member States and share their perspectives and inputs to the 2021 HLM.
3) Civil society participation in the 2021 HLM is effective and meaningful. The voices and perspectives of the communities and organizations of people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV, including key populations and other vulnerable populations are included and heard at the HLM meeting. Their needs and proposals are reflected, to the extent possible, in the political declaration that is expected to emerge from the meeting.
From the signature of the contract March until 60 days after the HLM (totalizing 180 days of work).
For details on the activities and expected outcomes please refer to the attached RFP document and TORs.