UN Secretariat
Provision of Facilities maintenance, ground maintenance services and minor engineering works to ... Request for EOI

Reference: EOIUNSOS18041
Beneficiary countries: Somalia
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 05-Jan-2021
Deadline on: 19-Jan-2021 00:00 (GMT 0.00)

The United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) seeks Expression of Interest (EOI) from competent and qualified companies for the provision of Facilities maintenance, ground maintenance services and minor engineering works to UNSOS in support of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) and UNSOS mandates. UNSOS is planning to establish a long term agreement for a five (5) years (3+1+1) period for the subject requirement. For this requirement, UNSOS will undertake a competitive bidding exercise shortly and considers inviting those companies which will have expressed their interest and provided initial relevant information as to their ability to fulfill UNSOS’s requirement. Please note, this is not an invitation for submission of a price proposal. Interested companies must complete the Vendor Response Form and Return it to the attention of UNSOS Chief Procurement Officer no later than 04:00 PM Mogadishu local time on 19 January 2021, directly through the UNGM/PD portal or via (a) e-mail as PDF attachment to unsoa-procurement@un.org. copy to anoh@un.org Vendor Response Forms must be completed in full and supported by the requested information providing the evidence of the company’s ability to satisfy UNSOS’s requirement. The UNSOS reserves the right to reject Expressions of Interest documents that are incomplete, or are received after the stated deadline.

Chief Procurement Officer