Request for quotation for online meeting organization for IATI Member's Assembly Request for quotation

Reference: RFQ/2020/16387
Beneficiary countries: Multiple destinations (see 'Countries' tab below)
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 14-Oct-2020
Deadline on: 30-Oct-2020 14:00 0.00

**Please see "Section II: Schedule of Requirements" for full details and information"
The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has complicated the feasibility of hosting international meetings and gatherings given ongoing safety considerations and travel restrictions. As such, the IATI Governing Board has decided to move IATI events online for the remainder of the year. Including the Members’ Assembly 2020, which is to be held on 1-2 December 2020, side event (30 November 2020).
Therefore IATI is looking to engage a supplier specialized in meeting arrangement online (online meeting platforms), that can support the secretariat through the two day main meeting, including the setting up an online meeting platform for the members in their 4 caucus meetings leading up to the Member’s Assembly.
Immediate Objective
The 2020 Member’s Assembly will have two key objectives:
● To provide a space for Members to discuss and agree governance-related matters.
● To provide space for different Caucuses/constituencies  to meet amongst themselves.
To meet these aims, IATI expects that the chosen supplier will be able to deliver a high quality international online Member’s Assembly meeting for 150-200 people, and advise and supply the best bi-lingual (French and English) online platform for the meeting, as well as facilitate simultaneous interpretation to the meeting. In addition to the main meeting days (December 1-2, 2020) and side event (30 November 2020), the supplier is required to supply an online meeting platform with interpretation to four (4) caucus meetings taking place in the week leading up to the Members’ Assembly.
Quotations must be submitted by using the Returnable Bidding Forms contained in Section III. The overall objective of this solicitation is to establish a Contract for small services to facilitate and expedite the process by which IATI  Project will contract the supply of including the setting up an online meeting platform for the members in their 4 caucus meetings leading up to the Member’s Assembly, that fulfils all of the below listed minimum technical requirements.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at: